Friday, November 4, 2011

Pumkin Bread French Toast! My favorite so far!

This is my favorite so far.....because it was really so easy!
So let me start by saying that Wednesday was lame. I baked up a basic Box Pumking Quick bread. And made sure that it was baked actually just a tad over so that the bread was going to be nice and dry for the next morning.....for French Toast!

We sliced the pumpkin bread loaf into about 1/2 inch slices and then dipped them in our egg mix, a mixture of egg, milk, vanilla, cinnamon and a tiny pinch of nutmeg...tiny....

Sometimes you just have to use butter....look it up its in the constitution! Ok Paula Deen said it.
I used butter in the pan to help the french toast cook and soak up extra flavor. and I kept it on a little longer in the pan but kept turning it often to make sure that all of the egg cooked up in the pumpkin bread which was more "spongy" than regular bread.

We tried a couple of different topping options. Blood Orange Marmalade (from costco) YUM.....
powdered sugar and syryp, YUM YUM...but my favorite was just some more butter (don't judge) on the warm bread and then a sprinkle of brown sugar! Triple YUM!  Ooops should have used a cute fall plate...oh well!

1 comment:

  1. That does sound really good! I learned a trick from Alton Brown for making French Toast--you leave your bread out on a plate several hours to make it dry so it absorbs the "batter" better without making the bread too soggy. It revolutionized my French toast results. LOL.
